by Lisa Bobby | Aug 4, 2016 | Authentic Happiness, Conquer Anxiety
Big Risks and Bigger Rewards: Living the Life You Want In my work as a life coach and therapist, I routinely talk to people who feel trapped in their lives. They feel bored, dissatisfied, and like they are not connected with their life’s highest purpose and...
by Lisa Bobby | Jul 17, 2016 | Authentic Happiness
“We’re so connected, but are we even friends?” — Arcade Fire I’m always struck in my therapy or coaching sessions by how many of my clients are connected to literally hundreds of people on a daily basis, and yet still often feel...
by Lisa Bobby | Jun 24, 2016 | Uncategorized
Be Here Now: Savor The Present Did you know that there is an anchor to the present moment that is with you all the time? Mindfulness does not require your sitting on a special pillow with your eyes closed, or listening to a guided meditation. You can be fully present...